
Composting 101 – A Simple and Sustainable Approach
We live in an era where more and more people of different areas, with totally different backgrounds, ages and education levels seek to change their lives, by moving to the countryside and start a farming business.
Since it is not that easy to become a farmer without any experience, this guide will help you to clear things out and understand the basic steps you have to take.
First of all, it is very important to understand what -in fact- farmers do.
What Does a Farmer Do?
As a farmer, we define anyone who makes income by working in the primary sector, raising living organisms either for food or for raw materials (for instance cotton). Farmers are believed to be people closely connected with nature, spending most of their time outside in the field, either growing plants or raising animals. This is partly true. However, contemporary greenhouse farmers may be closed in their facilities all day long and not be able to have access to sunlight. In all cases, farmers do not have specific working hours. They deal with living organisms and this often creates a mess in their personal schedule. It is not that easy to have a structured work schedule. Some of them do not have vacations or days off. Farming requires total dedication, love, and passion in order to succeed.
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Cras nisl metus, tristique at dolor eu, finibus facilisis ex
Nullam suscipit, est in egestas cursus, maximus quam
All things grow with care and love
Sed mi sapien, dictum eu eros eu, faucibus ornare erat. Maecenas ut justo suscipit, accumsan velit eget, pulvinar magna. Integer luctus vitae purus at dapibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras ornare ut lorem elementum fringilla. Morbi laoreet mollis arcu, quis iaculis tellus dapibus non. Morbi metus mauris, lobortis nec nisi dapibus, egestas ultricies lacus. Vivamus feugiat lacus nec odio pretium tempor. Morbi pretium, eros sit amet tempor euismod, ligula lacus viverra diam, eget blandit leo nulla sed tortor. Donec ut commodo tellus, ut sagittis quam.
Step 1: Decide What to grow and in which specific field - Can I get a profit?
Choosing the right crop
First of all, you have to decide what you are going to grow. Although this may sound like an easy procedure, in fact, this is the most complicated decision. The type of plant (or animal) you are going to choose is perhaps the most crucial decision you are going to make.
Farming is divided into categories depending on production. The main categories are:
Arboriculture (commercial fruit trees), Vegetable and Fruit Farming, Wood production, Biomass production, Grain Farming, Forage Crops, Herbs Farming, Grapes Farming (Viticulture), Berries Farming, Special Crops like Cotton and others. Most of these crops are established outdoors. Some of them can also be established indoors (greenhouses) with soil or air/water as a substrate medium.
Step 2: Examine your Financing Options - Secure your Capital
Sed mi sapien, dictum eu eros eu, faucibus ornare erat. Maecenas ut justo suscipit, accumsan velit eget, pulvinar magna. Integer luctus vitae purus at dapibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras ornare ut lorem elementum fringilla. Morbi laoreet mollis arcu, quis iaculis tellus dapibus non. Morbi metus mauris, lobortis nec nisi dapibus, egestas ultricies lacus. Vivamus feugiat lacus nec odio pretium tempor. Morbi pretium, eros sit amet tempor euismod, ligula lacus viverra diam, eget blandit leo nulla sed tortor. Donec ut commodo tellus, ut sagittis quam.
Step 3: Make Sure You Have Available Inputs and Resources at the time you need them.
Sed mi sapien, dictum eu eros eu, faucibus ornare erat. Maecenas ut justo suscipit, accumsan velit eget, pulvinar magna. Integer luctus vitae purus at dapibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras ornare ut lorem elementum fringilla. Morbi laoreet mollis arcu, quis iaculis tellus dapibus non. Morbi metus mauris, lobortis nec nisi dapibus, egestas ultricies lacus. Vivamus feugiat lacus nec odio pretium tempor. Morbi pretium, eros sit amet tempor euismod, ligula lacus viverra diam, eget blandit leo nulla sed tortor. Donec ut commodo tellus, ut sagittis quam.
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